IBM Books

User's Guide

Working with 2212 Devices

Typical tasks that you can perform with 2212 devices include:

Adding a 2212 Device Record to the Deployment Manager Database

The Synchronize Databases task creates device records in the NwDM database for all 2212 devices in the network. The disadvantage of using the Synchronize Databases task is that it can take quite a while to complete processing. Therefore, use the 2212 Create Device task to add a single 2212 device record to the NwDM database.

Follow these steps to add a single 2212 device record to the database:

  1. From the navigation tree, click Create Device from the 2212 folder to display the Create Device task panel.
  2. Fill in these fields on the Create Device task panel (click the empty box next to the field to enter information for the field):

    Device Name
    Enter a name by which you want this device to be known within NwDM.

    Note:NwDM does not check to make sure that the device name is unique, which means that you can have multiple devices with the same device name. Using your own naming convention can make it easy to filter devices when you search the database.

    IP Address
    Enter a valid IP address or host name for this device.

    Operator ID
    Enter the operator ID defined for the 2212, if it exists.

    Enter the password associated with the operator ID.

    SNMP Read Community Name
    Enter the SNMP write community name to which the 2212 belongs. The default is public.

    SNMP Write Community Name
    Enter the SNMP read community name to which the 2212 belongs.

    TFTP server IP address
    Enter the IP address for the TFTP server with which the 2212 can communicate.
  3. Click Apply to create the device in the NwDM database.

Updating NwDM with the Device Configuration

After adding the 2212 to the NwDM database, you need to update the database with the configuration information for the device.

Follow these steps to perform the Learn Configuration task for this 2212:

  1. From the navigation tree, click Learn configurations from the 2212 folder. The Learn Configuration task panel is displayed.
  2. In the Options pane:
    1. Click Start now to immediately schedule the job (when you click Apply)
    2. Click Upload load image if needed to add the load image to the database. Uploading the load image to the database makes it available for use in other 2212 devices. You must upload the load image into the Deployment Manager database before you can use it to update 2212 device load images.
  3. In the Candidates pane:
    1. Click Reset All to deselect all 2212 devices. You only want to learn the configuration for the device you just added.
    2. Click the Learn checkbox for the device that you just created.
  4. Click Apply to begin the Learn Configuration task for the 2212 devices.
  5. The Learn Configurations dialog is displayed. Click OK to close the dialog.
  6. You can view the status of each of the jobs from the Jobs from the Managing Jobs task panel. To view the status, follow the steps described in Viewing Job Status (instead of searching on job type, search for the Device ID of the device you created).

Auditing a 2212 Configuration

When you add a 2212 device to the Deployment Manager database and perform a Learn Configuration for that task, information about that configuration is added to the database. However, configurations can change over time. Auditing a 2212 configuration ensures that the configuration stored in the NwDM database as the Active configuration for the device matches the configuration that is actually loaded in the device.
Note:Audits can only be performed on configurations that have a version status of Active.

Deployment Manager compares these properties to audit a 2212:

Follow these steps to audit a 2212 configuration:

  1. From the navigation tree, click Configurations from the 2212 folder to display the Configurations task panel.
  2. Click Apply Filter in the Filter pane to display all of the 2212 devices currently stored in the NwDM database.

    Remember that you can also use the Filter pane to refine your search.

  3. In the Filtered List pane, click the row of each device to be audited to select the device. To select multiple rows, press and hold Ctrl while clicking the rows.
  4. Click Process selected... to display the pop-up menu for the Filtered List pane.
  5. Click Audit selected... to display the Audit 2212 Configuration task panel.
  6. Click Start now and then click Submit to begin the audit process.
  7. Click OK to close the Job Scheduled dialog.

Viewing Audit Records

While the Audit 2212 job is processing, you can view the status of the job from the Managing Jobs task pane. To view the job status, follow the steps described in Viewing Job Status (search for jobs with a job type of AUDIT2212 instead of SYNCHDB).

After the Audit 2212 job is complete, you can view the audit record, which provides details about whether the audit succeeded or failed. Follow these steps to view an audit record.

  1. From the navigation tree, click Audit Records to display the Audit Records task panel.
  2. Click Apply Filter from the Filter pane to display all audit records. Remember, you can choose to refine your search based on the Filter pane.
  3. In the Filtered List pane, click the audit record that you want to view. The Result field displays whether the audit was successful or failed.
  4. Click Process selected... to display the Pop-up menu.
  5. Click View Details for selected... to view details about the audit. If the audit failed, the audit details describe where the failure occurred.
  6. Click OK to close the dialog.

Upgrading a 2212 Configuration

From time to time, the configuration in a 2212 device needs to be upgraded to a new version. For example, assume that a 2212 device in your network is currently running Access Integration Services (AIS) Version 3.2 and you want to create a new configuration for this device, upgrading the operational code to AIS Version 3.3.
Note:Upgrading a 2212 configuration creates a new configuration version only in the Deployment Manager database. This way you can ensure the configuration is correct before you actually load it in a 2212 device. To load a configuration into a 2212 device, you must update a 2212 configuration. For more information about loading a configuration into a 2212 device, see Updating a 2212 Configuration.

Deployment Manager can maintain multiple configurations for a device. Each of these configurations has a different status. The configuration that matches the one actually loaded in the 2212 device has a status of Active. The NwDM database can only have one Active configuration for a 2212. Other configurations will typically have a status of:

In addition, Deployment Manager uses a status of nascent for configurations that are in the process of becoming the Active configuration and obsolescent for configurations that are in the process of becoming inactive.

Follow these steps to upgrade a configuration:

  1. From the navigation tree, click Configurations from the 2212 folder to display the Configurations task panel.
  2. Click Apply Filter in the Filter pane to display all of the 2212 devices currently stored in the NwDM database.
  3. In the Filtered List pane, click the row for each device for which you want to upgrade the configuration.
  4. Click Process Selected... to display the pop-up menu for the Filtered List pane.
  5. Click Upgrade selected... to display the Upgrade 2212 Configuration Dialog.
  6. From the Upgrade 2212 Configurations dialog, click Start Now.
  7. If the configuration that you chose to upgrade is the Active configuration for the device, you must click Create New Version. The upgraded configuration will have a status of Inactive.
  8. Click Use Selected Load Image to choose the load image used for this upgraded configuration.
  9. Click Select Image... to choose the load image from a list of available load images.
  10. From the Filter pane of the Select 2210 Load Image Dialog, enter a 3 for the Version and a 2 for the Release.

    To enter data on the Filter pane, click the blank cell in the row for the appropriate property, type information in the cell, and press Enter or click another cell.

  11. Click Apply Filter to display the load images.
  12. In the Filtered List pane, click the row for the Version 3 Release 3 load image ( to select it.

    To use this Load Image, it must be uploaded into the NwDM database. You can add a Load Image to a database using either the Create Device task (see Adding a 2212 Device Record to the Deployment Manager Database) or from the Load Images task panel.

  13. Click Apply to use that load image in the upgrade process.
  14. Click Submit to start the Upgrade 2212 task. For more information about view the status of a job, see Viewing Job Status. The job type for an upgrade 2212 tasks is UPGCFG2212.

Viewing the Upgraded Configuration

When the Upgrade 2212 Configurations task is complete, the device will have multiple configurations listed in the NwDM database. Follow these steps to view all of the configurations for a device:

  1. From the navigation tree, click Configurations in the 2212 folder to display the Configurations task panel.
  2. From the Filter pane, enter either the device ID or the device name of the 2212 for which you just upgraded the configuration.
  3. Click Apply Filter to display all configuration for that 2212 in the Filtered List pane.
  4. Notice that two configurations are displayed. Remember, however, that only one configuration is the Active configuration (the configuration actually loaded in the 2212). The upgraded configuration is listed as the Inactive configuration. To make it the Active configuration, perform the Update 2212 Configuration task.

Updating a 2212 Configuration

Updating a 2212 configuration actually loads the configuration into a 2212 device. In addition, the Load Image is updated, if necessary. When you update a 2212 configuration, the configuration you choose must have a configuration status of Inactive.

Follow these steps to update a 2212 configuration:

  1. From the navigation tree, click Configurations from the 2212 folder to display the Process Configs task panel.
  2. In the Filter task pane, click Apply Filter to display all 2212 configurations in the Filter List pane.
  3. In the Filtered task pane, click the 2212 configuration to be updated. Remember that to update the 2212, the configuration you select must have a status of Inactive.
  4. Click Process Selected... display the configurations pop-up menu and click Update selected... to display the Update 2212 Dialog.
  5. Click Start now to begin the update job immediately when you click Submit.
  6. Click the down arrow for the Reload option and click Reload Immediately to restart the 2210 device immediately after the new configuration has been loaded.
    Note:The 2212 must be restarted for the new configuration to take effect. Therefore, you will typically select Timed Load for this field, and enter an off-peak time in the Timed Load field to minimize any disruptions that may be caused by the 2212 restarting.

    Be careful when entering the time for the 2212 to restart. The time you enter is based on the time zone of the server where the NwDM database is located (which may not be the same time zone where the 2212 or you are located).

    If you choose No Reload, you must restart the 2212 manually.

  7. Click the down arrow for the Bank Option and click Erase inactive if needed. Deployment Manager will erase files (except for the Active load image) stored in the 2210 IBD only if space is needed to store the new configuration.
  8. Click Submit to begin the Update 2212 Configuration task. To view the status of the job use the Managing Jobs task panel. For information about the Managing Jobs task panel, see Viewing Job Status (an Update 2212 Configuration job has a job status of UPDATE2212).

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